Monday, November 30, 2009

full steam ahead

...And we continue to cruise right along in our quest to never work behind a desk in corporate America ever again. In Any Event has seen a number of changes over the long weekend. We managed to establish Twitter, MySpace and Facebook accounts, all the while making sure to share cocktails and stories with out of town friends and family and catch up on some much needed sleep. We continue to compile ideas and gather all the information we can so that we might fulfill our promise to be the very best and on top of the latest trends. We anxiously await the finalization of our website as well as the arrival of our business cards. Soon!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

we've only just begun

It's happening; it's really happening. We have a name, we are registered with the secretary of state and we are moving full steam ahead. Today brought an email address, and now this, a blog, which I could not be more excited about. In the days and weeks ahead In Any Event will be undergoing many exciting changes and developments and I can't wait to get my hands "dirty".