Thursday, February 18, 2010

up in the gym, just working on my fitness

For those of you who know this tune (Fergalicious) and just how catchy it is, I apologize for getting it in your head-probably for the rest of the day-but I couldn't resist a Fergie reference, plus it seemed a fitting title for this post. 
I strolled into work this morning without my routine cup of coffee (read: crabby) and as I waited for the pot to finish brewing I lethargically signed into my email.  Now, some of you may not know this (actually, why would you, unless you stalk me), but I am currently in the process of getting my yoga teacher certification and so have been discussing the possibility of opening a studio with a friend of mine who teaches pilates.  We have been bouncing ideas off of each other for while now, but her latest idea is pure genuis, nbd.  In an email to me she described her plans to market a class for brides to be that will focus on toning, specifically the arms, buns and back (see, I told you-genius).  Now, we all want to look our best, but sometimes we need that extra motivation, a little extra something to get us off the couch and into the gym.  What better motivation than the thought of being gawked at by hundreds of people, photographed, and posed for pictures that will last a lifetime; aka, your wedding day?
Kristen is still "working out" the kinks of the program, as well as the specifics (dates, etc.), but I will make sure to keep you all posted.  I think that this is a great opportunity to get firmed up, have fun and maybe meet some friends, share ideas, network (the possibilities are endless!).  Plus, bikini season is just around the corner (God help us).  So come back soon, registration details to follow.

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